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Copper Scrap

Botany Copper Service

Copper Scrap Recycling

Botany Recycling comes with an innovative copper scrap recycling technology. We provide the best-rated service in this Industry. Our service is spread in several areas, and we collect all the small and bid budget products.

Copper Scrap Recycling

Copper Scrap Collection and Transportations

Botany Recycling comes with a trained team that will collect all your products from your places efficiently. And conduct all the recycling procedures.

All Metal Storing and Separations

Our primary objective is to provide the best value to our buyers and clients. So, we believe in the proper storage and separation from all unwanted materials.

Copper Metal Processing and Shredding

To develop all the processing units, it’s crucial to shred all the materials in small pieces. It’ll help in boosting the further melting process shortly.

Metals Melting

Botany Recycling is here to melt all the shred metals properly. All the small shreds are carried to a large furnace; all the metal will be melted down there.

Metals Purification

Metal purification is essential to make all the rated products. So, to build a product or others, this step needs to follow up.

Metals Solidifying

All the melted metal is cooled and solidified. Now, all those non-ferrious metal scrap are transferred to a specific shape that would be round, bar, rods, or others. All these can be used as the raw material for the production of various metal products.

Selling Recyclable Metals

When all those copper non-ferrious metal scrap becomes ready to use, it’ll be sold to different factories, vendors, and manufacturers to manufacture all the rated and innovative items.

Pick Up Non-Ferrious Metal Scrap and Free Bin Services

Botany Recycling provides you with the pickup non-ferrious metal scrap service. Just give us a  call, and you’ll get all these services on your own.

It comes with free Bin services as well. Botany Recycling carries all the bins to your locations to pick all your unwanted non-ferrious metal scrap in this service.

Single Call Service with Efficiency

Botany Recycling will provide you with a single call service. You need to place a call; we will automatically reach you and take all the details about your non-ferrious metal scrap.

Our super speedy team will reach you and collect all the unwanted non-ferrious metal scrap from your places. We are the best and speedy non-ferrious metal scrap recycling company.

Free Transportations and 24/7 Customer Care

From Botany Recycling, you’ll get free transportation services. It does not matter how much scrap you have! Either it would be ten kg or tons. You’ll get free transportations and truck services from our side.

Customer satisfaction is our primary priority. So, from Botany Recycling, you’ll get a 24/7 customer care service. And, this will enhance your user experience.

Best Copper Scrap Metal Prices

From us, you’ll get the best copper non-ferrious metal scrap prices. You won’t get this price from any other companies.

We are the biggest non-ferrious metal scrap buyers in the Industry. Botany Recycling will buy all the rated products from your side and provide you with efficient services. 

So, you should try our services!

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